Injury Treatment
The immediate treatment of injuries consists of the 'PRICE' protocol:
- Protection of the injured part from further damage
- Rest
- Ice
- Compression
- Elevation
The aim of this protocol is to reduce bleeding within the muscle tissue. Ice therapy in the form of ice pack applications should be continued for the first three days after the injury (never apply ice directly to the skin).
Ice should be applied every hour for 10 minutes ideally. If possible the area should be submerged in ice water but ice packs can be used too. Be careful not to apply ice directly to the skin and apply using a damp towel.
Compression is probably the most important factor and should be applied within 15 minutes of the injury. Every player should make sure they are carrying a cohesive/compressive tape. The compression wrap wants to be placed approximately a hands width above and below the injured area, and it should cover all the skin within that area.
Elevation means higher than your heart so that gravity can help drain the swelling away. It can also help to keep the injured area moving through PAIN FREE range to assist in swelling reduction while elevated.
The rehabilitation after this period involves gradually moving the muscle to elongate the scar tissue and progressively increasing the muscle strength. Once this has been achieved the athlete can begin running, jumping and kicking. To reduce the risk of re-injury, this should be done under the supervision of a HPC registered Physiotherapist. Preferably a member of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine (ACPSM) or Manipulative Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP)