Training Tips
What should you eat in the week before a competition when making weight?
Regular food intake of 3 meals + 3 snacks/day of lean protein and low glycaemic carbohydrate + fruit & veg
Low GI carbs:
- Porridge, Weetabix, basmati rice, pasta, wholegrain bread, new potatoes with skins
- Helps maintain blood sugar levels for energy
- Tops up glycogen stores
- Stimulates regular production of growth hormone to reduce Catabolism (muscle breakdown)
- Provides fibre to promote a feeling of fullness and also keeps bowels regular (as being constipated can add up to 3kg of extra weight)
Lean Protein:
- Turkey, chicken, white fish, skimmed milk, diet yoghurt & eggs
- Helps reduce catabolism (muscle breakdown)
- Helps promotes satiety (feeling full)
- Helps reduce risk of injury & infection
HydrationSports Drinks or Hydration Tablets which keep you hydrated and have very few calories
- Helps reduce the risk of injury
- Helps reduce the risk of infection
- Optimizes physical & mental performance
An example meal:
Breakfast - Porridge + skimmed milk + 1 fruit
Mid-morning snack - Skimmed milk
Lunch - Wholegrain bread turkey salad sandwich (no butter or mayo) + 1 fruit
Mid-afternoon - Diet yoghurt
Dinner - Basmati rice + white grilled fish + veg + 1 fruit
Supper - Skimmed milk
Do you have an eating plan post training?
Within 20mins after your training ensure you have a recovery drink/bar such as
- Milk
- Milkshakes
- Recovery drinks
- Recovery bars
Being a few kilos over your fighting weight during early training weeks is perfectly acceptable.
Young athletes are mostly dependant on their parents/carers for their nutrition and their eating habits will mirror the families eating habits. Consideration for the current financial climate and understanding of parents working demands are essential. But were possible it is the parent/carers who need these tip and advice in most cases more so than the athlete.